Harrison Engineering LLC caters to various clients across the nation who need an engineering firm with a nationwide presence. Because of our nationwide coverage area, we save our clients time and money by providing a “one-stop-shop” ordering process for engineering and inspection services.
We are responsive to all our clients, whether you’re a Fortune 100 company, a small business with a nationwide presence, or even a home owner.
For an overview of our engineering services, click here.
You can be confident in us

We routinely perform structural inspections and provide engineering reports for some of the nations largest corporations, including many Fortune 100 and 500 companies.
They put their trust in us, and so can you.
Our standardized reporting methodology, database of information, engineering expertise, and networking ability provides our clients with the most comprehensive, competent, and cost-effective nationwide professional engineering services solution.
We Cater to You
If your company is similar to any of the following, please click on the link to see how we can serve your company with nationwide engineering services.
- REO Asset Manager, click here.
- Loan Officer, click here.
- Insurance Officer, click here.
- Real Estate Agent, click here.
- Home Owner, click here.